Bountiful Children's Foundation

Inspirational Must Reads

Feb 21, 2018 | 2018, News | 0 comments

We just finished these great reads-and we know you’ll love them too. Check them out, and if you read them let us know!

1. The Promise of a Pencil 

This story fascinated me.  Adam Braun tells us how he turned $25 into more than 200 schools around the world. He shares the stories in his life that looking back, were all connected and allowed him to create Pencils of Promise.  Anyone looking to follow their passions and build something from the ground up needs to add this to their must read list!

Favorite Lesson: You are NEVER too young, too inexperienced, too poor, too anything, to start now to make an impact in the lives of those around you!

Favorite Quotes: “We exist because of the sacrifice of those who came before us, but how often can we make them feel the full value of their impact?  It was only by focusing on creating joy in her life that I discovered the greatest feelings of happiness in my own.”

“Most of all, I’ll remind them each morning that we make a choice to bring positivity or negativity into the world, and that within every single person where lies an extraordinary story waiting to unfold.”

2. Do the Kind Thing

The KIND Movement—the snack company’s social mission to make the world a little kinder—has sparked more than a million good deeds worldwide. In Do the KIND Thing, Lubetzky shares the revolutionary principles that have shaped KIND’s business model and led to its success, while offering an unfiltered and intensely personal look into the mind of a pioneering social entrepreneur.

Favorite lesson: Inspired by his father, who survived the Holocaust thanks to the courageous kindness of strangers, Lubetzky began his career handselling a sun-dried tomato spread made collaboratively by Arabs and Jews in the war-torn Middle East. Despite early setbacks, he never lost his faith in his vision of a “not-only-for-profit” business—one that sold great products and helped to make the world a better place. We love he shows you don’t have to choose between creating a company that makes money or provides a benefit to society, embrace the ‘AND’! At its core, this idea is about challenging assumptions and false compromises.

Favorite Quotes: “Welcome the wildest possible range of ideas.”

“If you can find a purpose that defines you and imbues you with meaning, then channeling that passion and energy toward your business or vocation can be a source of near invincibility.”

3. Start Something That Matters

What matters most to you? Should you focus on earning a living, pursuing your passions, or devoting yourself to the causes that inspire you? The surprising truth is that you don’t have to choose—and that you’ll find more success if you don’t. That’s the breakthrough message of Start Something That Matters. You don’t have to be rich to give back and you don’t have to retire to spend every day doing what you love. You can find profit, passion, and meaning all at once—right now.

Favorite Lesson: Your story, and the story of every person you meet, is the most compelling way to connect with and impact the world.  People love stories. People remember stories. Stories create a connection that nothing else can.

Favorite Quote: “Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.”

“When you have a memorable story about who you are and what your mission is, your success no longer depends on how experienced you are or how many degrees you have or who you know. A good story transcends boundaries, breaks barriers, and opens doors. It is a key not only to starting a business but also to clarifying your own personal identity and choices.”  

Bonus, if you shop through the linked books on Amazon Smile and choose us as your charity, you’ll be helping us tackle malnutrition while you tackle your book list! 


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